Fatherhood takes many forms, traditional and not, these days

Fatherhood takes many forms, traditional and not, these days

These days it's just as likely for kids to be raised in households with single parents, blended families, grandparents or other family members at the helm, same-sex parents or a variety of other situations.

“There is no longer one dominant family form in the U.S.,” the Pew Research Center announced in late 2015. “Parents today are raising their children against a backdrop of increasingly diverse and, for many, constantly evolving forms.”

Redesigning Fatherhood: How Brands Can Turn Their Vision of the Modern Dad Into a Reality

Redesigning Fatherhood: How Brands Can Turn Their Vision of the Modern Dad Into a Reality

"There’s much ado these days about gender equality and the need for more women in leadership and the workplace. But to realize this vision, we must champion the other side of the equation—to see, celebrate and support men as equally capable caregivers."